Take a look at what I've been working on😻
Ijelala Landing Page
Don't forget to click the link above☝️ and schedule a visit to ijelala beauty studio in Tokyo. Built with HTML and CSS.
Weather App
It was a lot of struggle and nights of confusion. However, getting my codes to work buoyed me to continue. Click the link above☝️ to check your city's current temperature. Built with HTML, CSS , Editor, API, Javascript and Bootstrap. The finished product was hosted on Netlify.
Dictionary App
For my SheCodes React workshop project, I built a dictionary app using HTML, CSS and React JS. It was by far the most challenging and complicated. Lots of twists and turns which weren't meant to be an issue. Overall, I had fun working it out following the guidelines from my Instructor.
React Weather App
During the SheCodes React workshop, I gained hands on knowledge to code and execute an active weather app using HTML, CSS and React.